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The official website of the State of Mississippi


The Mississippi Auctioneer Commission is a State licensing and regulatory authority that oversees compliance with the Mississippi Code of 1972 annotated, Chapter 4, Title 73. As a licensing and regulatory agency, we examine each applicants educational credentials, make final decisions concerning the licensing of auctioneers, firms, receive and investigate complaints, and determine disciplinary actions against licensees and others who violate the Mississippi Auctioneers Licensing Act. We strive to protect the public while benefiting the auction industry in Mississippi and surrounding states. 

If you need to contact the Mississippi Auctioneer’s Commission please email your questions to:

Pursuant to the provisions of the Military Family Freedom Act [MFFA] (§73-50-1 et seq.), Mississippi shall recognize occupational licenses obtained from other states for military members and their families.

2024 MFFA Annual Report

_0__ Applications received

_0__ Licenses granted

_0__ Licenses denied​​​